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Half Marathon Training: Cold Weather Running

19 Nov

So if I didn’t know any better I’d say it was beginning of January outside.  It is currently 45 outside with a high of 50 today and low of 28 degrees.  It was around 16 degrees this morning.  Winter coming early couldn’t be worse for my running.

Last week I slacked off quite a bit with my working out.  I think it was a combination of still being tired from the race, not wanting to run, social things seemed for fun etc etc.  I went to a Zumba class on Monday, ran 3 miles on Thursday and worked out with my trainer on Saturday.  I ate and drank horridly all weekend so by the time Monday rolled around I was looking forward to getting back on track..until the arctic blast hit.

Monday evening I took a Zumba class and last night I needed to run 5 miles.  I did such inside since it was close to 30 degrees when I left work around 6.  It was miserable.  I am trying to push myself to run this next half faster but this might not be the time to try to break any of my own records.  I did 5 miles in 55:46 so at an 11:09 minute pace without any intervals.  I decided not doing intervals for anything under 5 miles was a good idea for training..yeah that will probably be changing.  Not only was I exhausted by the end but my left foot was hurting bad.  I probably pushed it too much considering I hadn’t run more than 3 miles since the race.

I still need to do a 7 mile run and a 4 mile run this week.  I am traveling to Tuscaloosa AL this weekend for the Bama homecoming game which is complicating my running plans all around.  I packed clothing to run outside after work but my experience running in the cold is minimal (cold being low 40’s/high 30’s).  Ideally I’d like to get the 7 miler done tonight but realistically I may not be able to stand the cold.  I’m going to give it a try and hope I can get at least 4 done.  If I still haven’t done 7 after tonight my plan is to leave work early on Friday and knock it out before I get on the road.  If I do get 7 done I might still leave work early to do 4 or just do it Saturday morning pre-game festivities.  45ish minutes on Sat morning seems more doable than 1:20ish.

So we shall see.  I never expected when I signed up for a February Half Marathon I’d be dealing with 30 degree temperatures in November!  Just a part of the fun I guess!